We offer the full selection of paintings and coatings:
- powder-coating in all technologies: polyester, epoxy, hybrid-systems polyester/epoxy, polyurethane-systems, special systems
- wet 2 component systems for final paints and primers, mostly: polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic
- wet 2 component systems for special applications: for high temperatures up to 600°C, for seawater-environment, zinc powder for heavily corrosive environment
- dip-paints: waterpaints, polyurethane, etc.

We paint and coat in the latest painting cabins:
- welded assemblies, castings, profiles, etc.
- even large components up to 14 m length
- we can powder-coat or paint even complete machines
- we can work with well-known suppliers: Hempel, etc.
- or we can use paints and powders from our local suppliers
- all colours are possible
- spray-painted coats can be even or structured in different sizes
- for very demanding customers, for example in the field of medical technology, welding seams can first be covered, so that an "automotive finish" is reached
- the painting department works with its own 40 ton gantry crane and is painting large parts every day
- we can recommend the optimum solution for your project!

Machine bed 13 m long and 9 tons heavy
Finally we can fit the other small manufactured parts and supply to you the finished machine-frame!