Hliníkové odlitky
Zhotovujeme hliníkové odlitky do pískové formy:
- pro pohyblivé díly ve strojírenství, například pro balící stroje
- pro pohyblivé díly v automobilovém průmyslu, například pro drapáky robotů
- pro umělecká díla
Usual requests:
- are single parts and small series up to 20 or 100 parts,
- with weights of 0,1 up to 120 kg,
- and delivery times of 1 - 2 weeks for the castings
- Usually the time-schedule is so tight, that there are only 2 weeks for the production of patterns and the actual castings.
- The patterns are produced out of polystyrene or wood in our own pattern workshop.
We cope with these ambitious tasks in cooperation with high-capacity casting houses:
- For the choice of the best aluminium alloy, we are completely flexible and we can deliver all standards.
- The most common standards are in stock:
- AlMg 3, AlMgMn, AlZnMgCu, AlCuMgPb
- even AlZnMgCu 1,5 with 600 N/mm2!