We produce on three locations in the Czech republic and 5 locations in Germany and combine the advantages of East and West.Read more…
We own more than 120 machines and place great emphasis on high quality brands.Read more…
We produce out of sheet metal, solid shafts, profiles, semi-finished standards, blocks and slabs,
steel iron, ductile iron, grey iron, precision castings, aluminium, bronze and brass castings
- we offer machining of a variety of different materials.Read more…
150 experts in Germany and the Czech Republic
We combine the advantages of German an Czech tradition and competence in engineering to find precise and cost-effective answers.Read more…
advantages for our clients
Reliability and flexibility at high quality and favourable prices.
Our production in East and West Europe offers divers advantages for our clients.Read more…
project managers
We know about the importance of the quality of staff. You can rely on our experienced project managers!Read more…
history of Eurocomp and APS
Find out more about the constant extension of our locations, the expansion of our scope of services and the broadening of our client base.Read more…